Optimise Blog Title for Search engine Results and increase visitors Optimise Blog Title for Search engine Results and increase visitors

Login to your blogger account

From your Dashboard opt for Layout/ Design/Template

Now choose Edit Html. You will see your template code there. In that template code find


and replace it with

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageName'> - </b:if><data:blog.title/></title>

Now Save the Template.

After saving the template take a look at your blog post pages and your will notice the change in titles in your browser's title bar.
Search Engines do not re-index your site every day. So these changes won’t be reflected onto Google Search result pages until Google’s crawlers reach that page again.

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Meta Tags For Blogger / Blogspot

Meta Tags are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a web page. Such tags are placed in the head section of an HTML document
We can also add meta tags to Blogger Blogs.But the problem is that having the same meta tags for all pages in your blog is not a good practice.So it would be better if you could add meta tags on your home page only.Just find out the appropriate keywords and description for your site and follow these instructions 

Adding Meta Tag For your Blog’s Home Page

Now copy out the following code into a text file

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> 
<meta content="Your keywords separated by commas" 
<meta content="Your Site Description" name="description"/> 
Make the following Replacements 
1.Replace Your keywords separated by commas with your site's keywords. 
2.Replace Your Site Description with a good description of your site. 

I would suggest you to take into consideration the following character limits
a)The maximum size of your site description should be 150 characters
b) It would be better to limit the keyword size to 200 characters  .

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How To Use whos.amung.us To Track Your Visitors In Real-Time

how you can use whos.amung.us to track your visitors in real-time. If you are using Google Analytics to track your visitors on your blog or website then you must don’t get real-time stats about the traffic on your blog/website. Using whos.amung.us you will able to track your visitors real-time but you won’t get full insight about your visitors like you can get in Google Analytics (or any other).

You will get basic stats about your visitors like how many visitors are online, on which page they are on, from which country and city they are coming from in your blog or website and you can also see the past stats of your blog or website.
Let see how you can use it
  1. Go to whos.amung.us
  2. Set the settings according to you (you can see the demo also where it will appear)
  3. Copy the code in yellow box.

  1. Now past that code just after opening <body> tag or just before closing </body> tag
Note: - The code should appear in every page of your blog or website otherwise it will not give the correct stats
How to use whos.amung.us code WordPress blog
  1. Go to the Dashboard –> Appearance –> Editor (of your blog)
  2. Now click on header.php (in right side bar)
  3. Search for <body> tag
  4. Just after the <body> tag past the code
  5. Click on Update File button to save it
How to use whos.amung.us code Blogger.com blog
  1. Go to Blogger.com
  2. Login to your account
  3. Go to Design –>Edit HTML (for the blog in which you want to use)
  4. Search for <body> tag
  5. Just after the <body> tag past the code
  6. Click on SAVE TEMPLATE button
Now go to your blog or website and see if you can see the red color box. If you can’t see the box clear your browser cache or press Ctrl+R to clear the cache for that page. And to see the stats click on that image (or button if you want to tell).

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How to Hide or Remove Blogger Navbar?

Learn how to hide,disable or remove the blogger navbar(navigation bar) from your blog.
First,let us see what blogger navbar is:

Blogger navbar allows users to easily navigate to other random blogs and it also has a feauture to search the blogs ,and mark any blog as spam.
So,now you have a clear idea of what really a blogger navbar is.So, why so many people prefer to just remove the navbar inspite of the feautures it has like search,etc.Many people think that, it spoils the look of the blog,especially if your blog has differnet subtitle layout which looks too obvious to see for a visitor.Well, let me come to the actual point on how to disable or hide your blogger navbar.

Below is the step-by-step procedure on how to do it with photos to make it easy to understand.

1.Sign in to your blogger account and click the layout button next to your blog name 

2.Next,click the edit html tab as shown in the below picture

3.Add the below html code as specified in the below picture.

#navbar {
      height: 0px;
      visibility: hidden;
      display: none;

4. Save the changes.

Now, you can see your blog without that navbar(this tip can only hides the navbar,it doesn't completely delete it).If you want the navbar to appear again,just remove that code and save the changes.
If you have any doubts,regarding this post,don't hesitate to ask.You can ask your doubts via comments to this post.

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How To Disable Right Click And Copy Right Product For Blog spot

Go To Design -> Page Element -> Select Add Gadget -> Select Html/java Script Option ->
Paste The Below Code And Save It. Then View Your Blog,You Can Identify Changes.

<script language="JavaScript">
var message="Keep Smiling!";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->

<script type='text/javascript'>

function disableSelection(target){
if (typeof target.onselectstart!="undefined") //IE route
target.onselectstart=function(){return false}
else if (typeof target.style.MozUserSelect!="undefined") //Firefox route
else //All other route (ie: Opera)
target.onmousedown=function(){return false}
target.style.cursor = "default"


<script type='text/javascript'>

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How to create a category menu in Blog

How to create a category menu in Blog:

If you have labels in your blog posts and you are using New Blogger a/c so you can create a menu of labels or we may say that we can put list of labels in the sidebar of the blog. So readers may choose specific category from the list and read all of those articles, which are of the same category.

Creating a menu of labels:
To create a menu of labels and apply it to a sidebar of the blog, follow the given steps.

1. Login to the New Blogger a/c and then go to the ‘Dashboard’ and then click “Layout” button of your blog in which you want to create a menu.

It will take you to the “Add and arrange page elements” page.
Now click “Add a page element” button.

A window will be appeared on the screen. The window shows variety of elements that you can use in your page. In “Labels” option click “Add to Blog” button as shown below.

“Configure Labels” window will be appeared on the screen. Write in appropriate title for the labels and choose sorting style either you want to see all of your labels

alphabetically or by frequency and then click “Save Changes” button and you are done.
Now click “View Blog” button to view your blog with category list in the sidebar.

Now you have successfully created a category menu in the sidebar of your blog.

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How to create a blog post/publish a post in Blogger -Tutorial

How to create a blog post/publish a post in Blogger -Tutorial

Here is a step by step procedure to create a blog post in Blogger.

Step 1: Go to blogger’s website and then sign in with your username and password if you already have a account on Blogger. If you don’t have a Blogger account .

Step 2: When you logged in, it will take you to the Dashboard of Blogger. Where you can manage your blog post and also you can create a new blog post by clicking “New Post” button as shown in the following picture. Each and every blog have a different “New Post” button press the one according to your need.

Next screen would appear on the screen as shown the following picture.

Step 3: Type appropriate Title for the post in title text box and content for the blog post as shown below in the picture

Step 4: Type in appropriate label for the post in Label for the post text box. Labels are very useful thing in Blogger. If we use labels in blog post then further we can create a category menu in the sidebar of the blog. 

Step 5: Now click “Publish” button to publish your blog post. A message would appear that “Your blog post published successfully” then click “View blog” button to view your blog.

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